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How to serve a OneGeology level 1 conformant
Web Map Service (WMS) - Cookbook 1

PDF version of this OneGeology WMS cookbook

Summary of changes since last major update

Table of contents

  1. Registering your WMS service with the OneGeology Portal registry
    1. Background
    2. Who should be using this guidance?
    3. What type of data should be served as a contribution to OneGeology Level 1?
  2. WMS Profile
    1. WMS service name
    2. WMS service title
      1. WMS root layer name
    3. WMS service URL
    4. WMS service-level metadata
      1. Required service-level metadata
      2. Recommended service-level metadata
    5. Layer metadata
      1. Geographic extent
      2. Data owner
      3. Language
      4. Scale
      5. Theme
      6. Layer title examples
      7. Layer name examples
    6. Other layer metadata (e.g. keywords)
      1. Layer styling information
    7. Core TC211/ISO:19115:2003 Metadata
    8. GetFeatureInfo response
  3. Scanning a paper map
    1. Scanning
    2. Georeferencing a scanned map
    3. Image formats and transparency
    4. The legend for the scanned map
  4. Setting up a MapServer WMS
    1. Prerequisites for setting up a WMS
    2. MS4W software installation
      1. Using the MS4W zip (or full exemplar zip)
      2. Using the MS4W NSIS installer
      3. Updating an existing MS4W installation
      4. If you already have an Apache installation
    3. Configuring your MapServer WMS
      1. Step-by-step configuration for MS4W
        1. Installing the exemplar services into an existing MS4W installation
        2. BGS exemplar service (SERVICE configuration)
        3. Raster image data exemplar (LAYER configuration)
        4. Vector data exemplar (LAYER configuration)
      2. Adding alternate characterset support
      3. Debugging common errors
        1. Symbol definition error
        2. Unknown identifier
        3. Missing magic string
    4. Alternative MapServer configurations
      1. MapServer and IIS 6
      2. Installing MapServer on a LAMP server
        1. Configuring MapServer exemplars on a LAMP server
      3. Using the GISInternals packages for Windows
    5. Configuring group layering
  5. Using ESRI software to serve OneGeology web services
    1. Setting up an ArcIMS WMS
      1. Create and modify the AXL
      2. Create your ArcIMS service
      3. Allow WMS services and create your WMS
      4. ArcIMS issues
    2. Setting up an ArcGIS Server WMS
      1. Add new service
      2. Edit the GetCapabilities documents
      3. ArcGIS server issues
  6. Using GeoServer software to serve OneGeology web services
    1. Logging in
    2. Editing contact information metadata
    3. Creating a workspace (and editing service metadata)
    4. Configuring a data store
      1. Connecting to a PostGIS database
      2. Connecting to a shapefile data source
        1. Using application schemas extension
          1. Install application schema .jar files
          2. Create mapping file
          3. Edit datastore.xml file
          4. Restart GeoServer
    5. Adding layers to a workspace
      1. The Data tab of the Edit Layer page
      2. The Publishing tab of the Edit Layer page
      3. Creating group layers
    6. Importing layer styles from an SLD file
    7. GeoServer troubleshooting
  7. OneGeology Web Map Services using GeoSciML-Portrayal ~ guidelines for service deployment
    1. Introduction
    2. Integration of web map services
    3. GeoSciML-Portrayal feature types
      1. ContactView features
      2. ShearDisplacementStructureView features
      3. GeologicUnitView features
    4. Deployment cookbook
      1. Mapping from source data
        1. Schema mapping in ESRI ArcGIS
        2. Schema mapping in SQL
      2. Vocabulary mapping
      3. Excel workbook template
      4. Configuring OGC services
      5. Styling (SLDs)
    5. GeoSciML-Portrayal issues
      1. GML geometry
      2. Optional GML header elements
      3. ESRI ArcGIS server ObjectID
      4. Schema location
    6. References


  1. Converting coordinate system in data files
  2. Creating MapServer CLASS definitions from ArcView legends
  3. Creating MapServer CLASS definitions from ArcGIS legends
    1. Installation
    2. Creating map files
  4. Creating MapServer CLASS definitions using Quantum GIS
  5. BGS example service map file
  6. WMS 1.3.0 GetCapabilities response from the BGS OneGeology exemplar service
  7. WMS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities response from the BGS OneGeology exemplar service
  8. Using the MS4W Apache http server as a reverse proxy to Tomcat
  9. OneGeology English keyword dictionary picklist
  10. How to create a Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) using Arc2Earth
  11. Recommend ESRI shapefile definitions for GeoSciML-Portrayal
  12. Mapping OneGeology-Europe data model to GeoSciML-Portrayal
    1. Considerations for converting a MapServer based OneGeology-Europe service

Section last modified: 23 March 2016

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