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4.2 MS4W software installation

All versions of the MS4W software package, including the latest version are available from the MapTools ( web site.

We will detail here how to set up MapServer 6.0.0 as part of the MS4W version 3 package. We will also provide information on how to update the MapServer component of your MS4W installation; to allow you for example to use the MapServer NSIS installer (which currently installs MapServer 5.6.6) and then update this to the latest 6.0.0 version of the MapServer windows binary. These sections are provided for completeness.

If you are setting up a WMS with MapServer for the first time and have downloaded the full exemplar zip (which includes the MS4W software) you should follow Section 4.2.1.

Please take the time to read the Copyright and Open Source license terms ( for the use of this no cost software.

Section last modified: 17 June 2011

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