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7.5 GeoSciML-Portrayal issues

7.5.1 GML geometry

Note that the GeoSciML-Portrayal XML schema ( allows any abstract GML geometry in the feature shape element, but the simple feature profile mandates that the geometry is one of gml:Point, gml:LineString, gml:Curve, gml:Polygon, gml:Surface, gml:MultiPoint, gml:MultiCurve, or gml:MultiSurface. For typical GeoSciML-Portrayal services, it is likely that ContactView and ShearDisplacementView features will have gml:Curve (possibly gml:MultiCurve) geometry, and GeologicUnitView features will have gml:Polygon features. The more restrictive data typing for the shape element has not been used to allow greater flexibility in utilization of GeoSciML-Portrayal, but bear in mind that the schema allows features with different geometries to be mixed in the same feature collection, and point, line, polygon or surface geometry to be associated with any feature.

7.5.2 Optional GML header elements

The GeoSciML-Portrayal XML schema ( have been generated using the FullMoon tool. This tool generates full GML features, which include a number of elements inherited from the GML abstract feature type. In GeoSciML-Portrayal these optional gml elements (gml:name, gml:description, gml:metadata, etc.) should not be included in instance documents, but the equivalent elements in the GeoSciML-Portrayal namespace should be used. This is because some WMS and simple feature WFS clients cannot process documents with thematic elements from more than one namespace.

7.5.3 ESRI ArcGIS server ObjectID

The ObjectID field should be placed at the last column in the table for better interoperability with systems that do not require such a field.

7.5.4 Schema location

ArcGIS server and GeoServer report the schema location for the GeoSciML-Portrayal content using a WFS DescribeFeatureType request.

Section last modified: 19 October 2015
