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Home > How to serve a OneGeology WMS > Registering your WMS service with the OneGeology Portal registry

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1 Registering your WMS service with the OneGeology Portal registry

Before you can submit your service to OneGeology, you must first register your organization as a OneGeology data provider by filling out the registration form available from the OneGeology web site.

If you are willing and able to host your own data you will then need to fill in the Data Coordination form on the OneGeology website: data coordination form

If you are unable to host your own data for any reason, then you will ALSO need to fill in the buddy form on the OneGeology website: buddy form/a>

Next, send an email to with the URL of the proposed WMS service. Include in this email:

  • The name of the geographical area
  • the name of the data provider organization (usually this is the owner of the data)
  • the name of the service provider organization

The OneGeology secretariat will check that they have written confirmation that the service provider owns the right to serve the proposed data and/or has permission from the data provider to serve that data.

You will be contacted by the OneGeology helpdesk with confirmation of receipt, plus any other feedback.

The service will then be reviewed for conformance with OneGeology requirements and, upon verification, the service URL will be forwarded to BRGM the (OneGeology Portal hosts) by the helpdesk team with a request to register the service in the OneGeology Portal and catalog (

If BRGM have any technical issues with the proposed service they will raise these issues with the helpdesk, and the helpdesk will in turn discuss theses issues with the service provider, if required.

When the service is fit for registration BRGM will email the OneGeology secretariat, your OneGeology WMS Service will now be officially registered and its layers are now visible in the OneGeology Portal.

As the reference information stored in the OneGeology portal and catalogue comes from your service directly it is highly recommended if you need to make major changes to information held in your WMS service, to modify your WMS service first and then ask the helpdesk to have your service updated.

If you have any queries please contact

Section last modified: 13 Jan 2016
