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2.8 GetFeatureInfo response

Depending on the data you have available for each layer and depending on your WMS software, you may be able to configure what is returned in response to GetFeatureInfo requests on each layer, either to format the look of the data returned or to restrict the data attributes returned. For example both of these customizations is possible with MapServer but neither are currently possible with ESRI ArcGIS server or ESRI ArcIMS server (versions 9.3.1 and below).

Ideally the response should include a field for age/lithology/lithostratigraphy as appropriate for each layer. You may choose to include other information you consider useful but please try to exclude data fields that only have meaning internal to your organization.

Preferably it should be possible to retrieve the information in at least text/html and text/plain formats.

3 star accreditation requirement

For a 3 star accredited service ALL OneGeology layers must provide a valid GetFeatureInfo response. At a minimum, the GetFeatureInfo response must support text/html.

Section last modified: 06 September 2011

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