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2.4.2 Recommended service-level metadata

You should attempt to fill in as much service level metadata as possible, in addition to the mandated metadata (above) we recommend that as a minimum you also populate the following.

Note, the indicative XPATH in the below tables relates to the GetCapabilities response document

Metadata name Indicative XPATH to metadata
(WMS version is shown in brackets)
Contact Person /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactPerson (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactPerson (1.3.0)
A named individual or named role (such as Director General) within the data owner organization to act as a contact for any enquires relating to the WMS service.
Country /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactAddress/Country (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactAddress/Country (1.3.0)
Country of the data owner organization
Email Address /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactElectronicMailAddress (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactElectronicMailAddress (1.3.0)
The email address for the named contact.

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, the service must supply sufficient contact information to allow the data owner to be contacted by a user.

This may be an email address, a phone number, or a full postal address and named contact (person or role)

Fees /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Fees (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/Fees (1.3.0)
Any fees required to use the WMS services and data contained within. Again if there are no fees you are recommended to explicitly state this using the word "none".

3 star accreditation requirement

For a 3 star accredited service, the service must supply a clear statement of use relating to data, including licence and charging details (where appropriate). Access to data must be transparent, simple and fair to all. If there are no fees for using the service this must be explicitly stated using the word "none".

Section last modified: 09 September 2011.

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