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2.7 Core TC211/ISO:19115:2003 Metadata

This section has been added to allow you to understand what metadata you need to supply, if you choose to supply additional metadata about a layer as an online resource AND if you want to use the MetadataURL to reference that resource. If you wish to supply an online resource to layer metadata, that doesn’t conform to the minimum standard set out below (or FGDC:1998) then you cannot use the MetadataURL; we recommend that you use the DataURL. If you also wish to supply a URL to your web site, to highlight all your data products (for example), then you can use the SERVICE level online resource URL; in MapServer you do this by specifying the WMS_ SERVICE_ONLINERESOURCE (or OWS_SERVICE_ONLINERESOURCE) keyword.

For example in our exemplar service we have:


Note that TC211/ISO:19115:2003 is not itself a format, but a standard for defining formats and profiles. To comply with the ISO:19115:2003 metadata standard a data format (or profile) must define a core set of metadata elements as shown below. Note, for the purposes of the OneGeology Portal if you are showing your metadata (when accessed using the MetadataURL) in an HTML/text or pdf page it is sufficient to provide only Mandatory metadata, and Conditional metadata (where appropriate).

Mandatory (M): The metadata entity or metadata element shall be documented

Conditional (C): The metadata entity or metadata element shall be documented if another entity or element has been documented, or if a condition is or isn’t met elsewhere.

Optional (O): Provided to allow users to document their data more fully.

Dataset title (M)

A unique title (within your metadata records) for your data.

Spatial representation type (O)

The method used to represent geographic information in the dataset. i.e., vector, grid, TIN etc.

Dataset reference date (M) Reference system (O)
Dataset responsible party (O) Lineage (O)
Geographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifier) (C)

If the metadata applies to a data set which is spatially referenced (such as a OneGeology WMS) this is required.

On-line resource (O)
Dataset language (M)

Language(s) used within the dataset. Required even if the resource does not include any textual information; defaults to the Metadata language.

Metadata file identifier (O)

Unique identifier for this metadata file

Dataset character set (C)

Full name of the character encoding used for the data set. You must supply this character set if you are not using the ISO/IEC 10646-1 character set and if your character set is not defined by the document encoding.

Metadata standard name (O)

Name of the metadata standard (including profile name) used

Dataset topic category (M)

Main theme(s) of the data set described using the most appropriate term defined in the standard; for OneGeology services these are likely to be one or more from: ‘geoscientificInformation’, ‘economy’ (for layers showing mineral resources), or ‘imageryBaseMapsEarthCover

Metadata standard version (O)

Version (profile) of the metadata standard used

Spatial resolution of the dataset (O)

Scale or factor which provides a general understanding of the density of the spatial data in the dataset.

Metadata language (C)

Language used to document the metadata. You must supply the metadata language if it is not defined by the document encoding.

Note for INSPIRE GEMINI metadata you must always supply the metadata language.

Abstract defining the dataset (M)

Brief narrative summary of the content of the resource.

Metadata character set (C)

Full name of the character encoding used for the metadata set. You must supply this character set in your metadata if you are not using the ISO/IEC 10646-1 character set ( AND if your character set is not defined by the document encoding. Note as most XML and HTML pages provide a character set as part of their own metadata, it is likely that you will not need to explicitly state this for your own layer metadata

Distribution format (O) Metadata point of contact (M)

Party responsible for the metadata information

Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical and temporal) (O) Metadata date stamp (M)

OneGeology Europe participants should note that conformance of an ISO 19115 metadata set to the ISO 19115 Core does not guarantee conformance to INSPIRE metadata, see the INSPIRE technical guidelines document MD_IR_and_ISO_v1_2_20100616 for further details:

Section last modified: 12 September 2014

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