Raster image data exemplar (LAYER configuration)
An example of adding a PNG layer is included in the BGS_Bedrock_Raster_Map application. The relevant section is reproduced below for reference. This data was simply created as a raster from the bedrock shapefile for the purposes of serving as an example. In this case we won’t be setting up a response to GetFeatureInfo or GetLegendGraphic requests; we are just returning a coloured map. There is more detailed documentation (https://mapserver.org/input/raster.html), in particular as regards efficient serving of large images, using 8-bit vs. 24-bit images, tiling etc.
Example extract from map file below:
LAYER NAME BGS_625k_BAR TYPE RASTER STATUS ON DATA bedrock625ll.png PROJECTION “init=EPSG:4326” END PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" METADATA WMS_TITLE “GBR BGS 1:625k Bedrock Age” WMS_ABSTRACT “GBR BGS 1:625k Bedrock Age” WMS_SRS “EPSG:4326 EPSG:3857 CRS:84 EPSG:27700 EPSG:4258” WMS_METADATAURL_HREF “http://.../geonetwork/srv/en/csw?SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2 &REQUEST=GetRecordById&ID=ac9f8250-3ae5-49e5-9818-d14264a4fda4&” WMS_METADATAURL_FORMAT “application/vnd.iso.19139+xml” WMS_METADATAURL_TYPE “TC211” WMS_DATAURL_HREF “http://www.bgs.ac.uk/discoverymetadata/13480426.html” WMS_DATAURL_FORMAT “text/html” WMS_KEYWORDLIST “OneGeology,bedrock,chronostratigraphy,continent@Europe, subcontinent@Northern Europe,geographicarea@United Kingdom,DS_DATE@2011-06-15,age, dataprovider@British Geological Survey,DS_TOPIC@geoscientificInformation,geology serviceprovider@British Geological Survey,” WMS_STYLE “default” WMS_STYLE_DEFAULT_LEGENDURL_HEIGHT “353” WMS_STYLE_DEFAULT_LEGENDURL_WIDTH “253” WMS_STYLE_DEFAULT_LEGENDURL_HREF “http://.../BGS_Bedrock_Geology/bedrockAgeLegend.png” # The legend URL must be accessible externally, # So you cannot use ‘localhost’ or ‘’ above. WMS_STYLE_DEFAULT_LEGENDURL_FORMAT “image/png” END TOLERANCE 10 DUMP TRUE END #layer
Section last modified: 20 June 2011