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2.5.4 Scale

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, ALL OneGeology layers must conform to these naming protocols.

Scale comes next and is shortened using SI symbols:

  • "M" for Million (upper case)
  • "k" for thousand (lower case)

Such that a 1:1 000 000 scale map would be represented in the layer title as 1:1M and a 1:625 000 scale map would be represented in the layer title as 1:625k. In the layer names we shorten this further by removing the "1:" portion so that a 1:1 000 000 scale map is represented as 1M and a 1:625 000 scale map is represented as 625k.

Additionally, if the map scale is represented in the layer title as 1:1.5M we can lose the decimal point in the layer name by using 1500k. Note, you do not have to use the 1500k format over the 1.5M format, rather we offer this format as an alternative, if your server software has an issue with dots in the layer name.

Section last modified: 12 June 2013

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