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6.4.2 Connecting to a shapefile data source

  1. First, place the shapefile of the intended data source in a file location that can be accessed by your GeoServer instance. For the following example file location, a folder named ‘shapefiles’ was created to house shapefiles in the geoserver installation directory: %installLocation%\geoserver\data\shapefiles
  2. On the New Data Source page, choose Shapefile as the source by clicking Shapefile. This will bring you to a New Vector Data Source page.

    Edit Vector Data Source in GeoServer

  3. In the Workspace drop down menu, select the workspace you created in the last step
  4. Type a name for your data store in the Data Source Name field.
  5. Add a description for the store, if desired. This description is for internal use only.
  6. Make sure that the Enabled checkbox is checked.
  7. Under Connection Parameters, click Browse... and navigate to the saved shapefile. The file will have to be accessible in the file system on the server that is hosting GeoServer.
  8. When finished, click Save.

At this stage you have configured a store of data (a shapefile) that is available to your workspace, but you have no actual layers; see section 6.5 for details of how to configure your layers.

Section last modified: 7 October 2015
