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2.4 WMS service-level metadata

Whilst the OneGeology Portal is layer based, it is important top add as much metadata as possible in the service metadata. Some metadata may only be added explicitly at the service level.

2.4.1 Required service-level metadata

The OneGeology Portal will attempt to harvest the following information from your service, and you must therefore aim to provide this information in your GetCapabilities response document.

Note, the indicative XPATH in the below tables relates to the GetCapabilities response document

Metadata name Indicative XPATH to metadata
(WMS version is shown in brackets)
version /WMT_MS_Capabilities@version (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities@version (1.3.0)
The WMS version. This will be automatically populated
title* /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Title (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/Title (1.3.0)
As detailed in the above section

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, the service title must conform to the naming protocols.

abstract /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Abstract (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/Abstract (1.3.0)
Information about the service and general information about the map data served in the layers. You may also use this to field to describe the data owner organization, and its goals within OneGeology etc. You can also include in this section information about the scale layering of your service, and any other information that is not automatically extracted / viewable by the OneGeology Portal (or indeed any other client software).

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, the service must supply an abstract.

access constraints /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/AccessConstraints (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/AccessConstraints (1.3.0)
Information about who is allowed to use the data served by the WMS, and for what purpose they can use it for. Remember your WMS is available to any application that is able to access the Internet, not just through the OneGeology Portal.

For clarity to any potential users, it is recommended (within the OGC specifications) that you explicitly state when there are no access constraints on the using the service using the word "none".

Note too that there is no "AccessConstraints" metadata applicable at the layer level. If you need to define different access constraints for different layers in your service you will need to define these differences in the service level metadata.

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, the service must provide information on any access constraints, or specify ‘none’ if there are no contraints on access.

3 star accreditation requirement

For a 3 star accredited service, the service must supply a clear statement of use relating to data, including licence and charging details (where appropriate). Access to data must be transparent, simple and fair to all.

keywords /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/KeywordList/Keyword (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/KeywordList/Keyword (1.3.0)

A list of keywords or short phrases that users of the OneGeology Portal and other catalogue services could use to search/discover your services. You must include the keyword OneGeology.

We would like you to also supply two special @ style ‘Metadata keywords’ (MD_DATE@value and MD_LANG@value) that will be used to populate the OneGeology catalogue of services, and which help make the GetCapabilities response ISO19115 core compliant.

MD_DATE@ is used to add a date for when the information in the GetCapabilites file for the service was last updated, (for MapServer services this would be the same as a change to the .map configuration file). For example the exemplar BGS_Bedrock_and_Superficial_Geology service has a MD_DATE@ keyword of MD_DATE@2011-06-15

MD_LANG@ is used to add the langauge (using the ISO 639-3 three letter codes) that the GetCapabilites file is populated with. This may be different from the language that the service returns its data in. For example the exemplar BGS_Bedrock_and_Superficial_Geology service has a MD_LANG@ keyword of MD_LANG@ENG

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, the service must include the OneGeology keyword.

3 star accreditation requirement

For a 3 star accredited service, the service must include the above ‘Metadata keywords’.

Data (owner) provider /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactOrganization (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/ContactInformation/ContactPersonPrimary/ContactOrganization (1.3.0)
The full name of the data owner organization not service provider, where these are different, such as in buddied services.

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, the service must supply the data owner organization name as part of the service ContactInformation (as well as in the special layer keywords).

Image Format /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetMap/Format (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetMap/Format (1.3.0)
One or more formats that the WMS service can provide its map layers in. This information would normally be populated automatically by the web service.
Online Resource* /WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/OnlineResource (1.1.1)
/WMS_Capabilities/Service/OnlineResource (1.3.0)

A link to the data owner organization web site, or web site with information about the data owner organization. Note this online resource is intended to provide additional information on the provider of the data and is NOT intended to be the same as the online resource attribute referenced in the Capability section of the response. i.e. NOT the same as the resource cited in, for example the below location in a 1.3.0 response, though this may be used if no other resource is available:

2 star accreditation requirement

For a 2 star accredited service, the service must supply an appropriate online resource.

* Metadata required by the WMS specification.

Details on how to configure this metadata information in MapServer is shown in Section 4.3.1 "Step-by-step configuration for MS4W" (below).

Section last modified: 30 July 2013

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