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7.3.2 ShearDisplacementStructureView features

These features represent faults and ductile shear zones. In GeoSciML terms they are instances of MappedFeature with key property values from the associated ShearDisplacementStructure feature summarized in text fields (data type xs:string) and fields containing identifiers (URI) for fault type, deformation style, movement type, geologic age, and a formally-encoded (ideally in GeoSciML) specification for interoperability. The latter are the properties suffixed with ‘_uri’ and will contain URIs referring to other resources, for example controlled concepts in published vocabularies.

The concept of ‘Shear displacement structure’ includes all brittle to ductile style faults or ductile shear zones along which displacement has occurred, from a simple, single ‘planar’ brittle or ductile surface to a fault system comprising multiple strands of both brittle and ductile nature. Because this feature class is constrained to have a linear geometry, it is limited to representing shear displacement structures that are considered single surfaces at the scale of portrayal.

Elements in Shear Displacement Structure View feature

Missing values should be specified using OGC nil values (see section 7.3.1 for allowed values) alternatively you could use INSPIRE defined void reaons

Bold property names indicate required properties.

Whilst properties of type _uri are defined as xs:string in the GeoSciML-Portrayal 4.0 schema, to be conformant with GML SF-0, the intention is that these strings SHALL BE absolute URI’s.

identifierxs:stringGlobally unique identifier for the individual feature. Recommended practice is that this identifier be derived from the primary key for the spatial objects in the source data in case information needs to be transferred from the interchange format back to the source database. This identifier is analogous to the identifier for a GeoSciML MappedFeature.
namexs:stringDisplay name for the ShearDisplacementStructure. This may be a generic fault type, e.g. ‘thrust fault’, ‘strike-slip fault’, or a particular fault name, e.g. ‘Moine thrust’, ‘san Andreas Fault’.
descriptionxs:stringText description of the ShearDisplacementStructure, typically taken from an entry on a geological map legend.
faultTypexs:stringType of ShearDisplacementStructure (as defined in GeoSciML).
movementTypexs:stringSummary of the type of movement (e.g. dip-slip, strike-slip) on the ShearDisplacementStructure.
deformationStylexs:stringDescription of the style of deformation (e.g. brittle, ductile etc) for the ShearDisplacementStructure.
displacementxs:stringText summary of displacement across the ShearDisplacementStructure.
geologicHistoryxs:stringText (possibly formatted with formal syntax) description of the sequence of events that formed and have affected the ShearDisplacementStructure. Events include process and optional environment information.
observationMethodxs:stringMetadata snippet indicating how the spatial extent of the feature was determined. ObservationMethod is a convenience property that provides a quick and dirty approach to observation metadata when data are reported using a feature view (as opposed to observation view).
positionalAccuracyxs:stringPreferred use is a quantitative value defining the radius of an uncertainty buffer around a MappedFeature, e.g. a positionAccuracy of 100 m for a line feature defines a buffer polygon of total width 200 m centered on the line. Some other text description that quantifies position accuracy may be provided, e.g. a term from a controlled vocabulary. Vocabulary used should be described in the dataset metadata.
sourcexs:stringText describing feature specific details and citations to source materials, and if available providing URLs to reference material and publications describing the geologic feature. This could be a short text synopsis of key information that would also be in the metadata record referenced by metadata_uri.
faultType_urixs:stringURI referring to a controlled concept from a vocabulary defining the fault (ShearDisplacementStructure) type. Mandatory property - if no value is provided then a URI referring to a controlled concept explaining why the value is nil must be provided.
Current CGI controlled vocabulary is:
The current INSPIRE specific controlled vocabulary is:
movementType_urixs:stringURI referring to a controlled concept from a vocabulary defining the ShearDisplacementStructure movement type. Mandatory property - if no value is provided then a URI referring to a controlled concept explaining why the value is nil must be provided.
Current CGI controlled vocabulary is:
There is no INSPIRE specific controlled vocabulary for movement type.
deformationStyle_urixs:stringURI referring to a controlled concept from a vocabulary defining the ShearDisplacementStructure deformation style. Mandatory property - if no value is provided then a URI referring to a controlled concept explaining why the value is nil must be provided.
Current CGI controlled vocabulary URI stem is:
for concepts see:
There is no INSPIRE specific controlled vocabulary for deformation style
representativeAge_urixs:stringURI referring to a controlled concept specifying the most representative stratigraphic age interval for the GeologicUnit. This will be defined entirely at the discretion of the data provider and may be a single event selected from the geologic feature’s geological history or a value summarizing the all or part of the feature’s history.
representativeOlderAge_urixs:stringURI referring to a controlled concept specifying the most representative older value in a range of stratigraphic age intervals for the GeologicUnit. This will be defined entirely at the discretion of the data provider and may be a single event selected from the geologic feature’s geological history or a value summarizing the all or part of the feature’s history.
representativeYoungerAge_urixs:stringURI referring to a controlled concept specifying the most representative younger value in a range of stratigraphic age intervals for the GeologicUnit. This will be defined entirely at the discretion of the data provider and may be a single event selected from the geologic feature’s geological history or a value summarizing the all or part of the feature’s history.
Current CGI controlled vocabulary are: and (for OneGeology-Europe Precambrian Epoch definitions for the Fenno-Scandian Shield)
The current INSPIRE specific controlled vocabulary is:
numericOlderAgexs:doubleOlder age in numerical representation in Ma.
numericYoungerAgexs:doubleYounger age in numerical representation in Ma.
specification_urixs:stringURI referring to the GeoSciML ShearDisplacementStructure feature that describes the instance in detail. Mandatory property - if no value is provided then a URI referring to a controlled concept explaining why the value is nil must be provided.
metadata_urixs:stringURI referring to a metadata record describing the provenance of data.
genericSymbolizerxs:stringIdentifier for a symbol from standard (locally or community defined) symbolization scheme for portrayal.
Geometry defining the extent of the feature of interest.
Other attribute(s)A placeholder allowing any user-defined attributes to be delivered in addition to those specified above.

Section last modified: 9 December 2015
