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Home > Getting involved > Register interest

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Register interest

If you have data or services that you would like to see in the OneGeology portal, or otherwise wish to offer some expertise to the initiative please fill in the details below so we can contact you. Please don't fill in this form if you just want to be kept informed of OneGeology progress (please register to receive newsletters instead in the newsletters section at the bottom of the page.)

Title (Mr/Mrs/Dr,etc) *
Family Name/Surname/Last Name *
Personal/First name *
Email address *
Organisation Name (if any)
Department in Organisation
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 *
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Town/City *
State (non-UK addresses only)
Country *
Postal/Zip Code *
Area of interest in the OneGeology initiative* (for example, national or international data provision, data geological terminology and classification, geoscience information management and systems)
How do you see you, or your organisation, making a contribution to the OneGeology initiative?* (for example, provision of data or expertise. Please provide brief initial description: less than 50 words).
* is a compulsory field.
Thank you for the interest you have shown in OneGeology. We will be in touch with you soon.