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This is the OneGeology archive website, for the latest information return to the main OneGeology website


Hazel Napier: OneGeology project manager

Hazel Napier

Hazel took over as the OneGeology project manager in 2020.

Virginia Hannah: OneGeology assistant project manager

Virginia Hannah

Virginia started at the BGS as a business assistant and more recently as a project coordinator. She has been involved in OneGeology since 2014, managing the administration, communication and outreach, as well as supporting the OneGeology Board. Virginia also works on many EU H2020 projects.

Lina Hannaford: OneGeology web developer

Lina Hannaford

Lina originally worked at the BGS as a database and web developer and recently became the web and publications editor. She has been involved in the OneGeology project since May 2018 and is responsible for maintaining the OneGeology website. Regular activities include uploading meeting agendas and minutes and keeping all the content up to date.

For all web and administration enquiries contact

Technical experts

OneGeology portal

Nicolas Mauroy

Nicolas graduated as a software engineer in 2012. After an internship in Minnesota, building iOS apps, he returned to France and started his career working on a connected vehicle project for a French car brand.

He has worked at BRGM since 2015, working on projects such as OneGeology, as well as being a software engineer on several web applications and scientific platforms. He is also involved in international projects taking place in Africa.


James Passmore: BGS GIS and WWW specialist

James Passmore

James is a spatial data infrastructure expert at the BGS, a lead author of the OneGeology WMS and WCS cookbooks and co-chair of the OneGeology Technical Working Group. He is ready to help you configure your OneGeology services through the OneGeology helpdesk.

Marcus Sen: BGS senior scientific officer

Marcus Sen

Marcus is a spatial data infrastructure expert at the BGS and a lead author of the OneGeology WFS cookbooks, with special experience with ontologies etc. He is ready to help you configure your OneGeology services through the OneGeology helpdesk.

For technical support contact