Board meetings
Previous meeting reviews
Board Meeting #16, Teleconference – 26 September 2018
Board Meeting
- Introductory presentation Linda Richard
- Presentation 1: where has OneGeology been since 2007? Tim Duffy
- Presentation 2: update — Oceania Carina Kemp
- Presentation 3: update — Asia Masahiko Makino
- Presentation 4: update — South America and Cuba Maria Glícia da Nóbrega Coutinho
- Presentation 5: Loop Laurent Ailleres
- Geological Mapping and Modelling at the Alberta Geological Survey Kelsey MacCormack
- USGIN OneGeologyServices
- The West African Exploration Initiative Mark Jessell and the WAXI team
- OneGeology Board Meeting #15, Vancouver, Canada 14th June 2018
- OneGeology Workshop Minutes and Actions 15th June 2018

The final face-to-face meeting of the OneGeology Board, at the Geological Survey of Canada office, in Vancouver, June 2018.
Board Meeting #14, Teleconference – 07 March 2018
Board Meeting #13, Teleconference – 28 November 2017
Board Meeting #12, Teleconference – 22 September 2017
Board Meeting #11, Teleconference – 22 June 2017
Board Meeting #10 Gdańsk, Poland
Board Meeting #9 Cape Town, South Africa
Board Meeting #8 5 July 2016 – Telephone Conference
Board Meeting #7 28-29 January 2016 – meeting in the offices of CPRM, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Board Meeting #6 13 October 2015 – Telephone Conference.
Board Meeting #5 30 March 2015 – Telephone Conference.
Board Meeting #4 19-21 January 2015 – Canberra, Australia.
The meeting was held at the 34th International Geological Congress.
The meeting was held at International House, Tokyo.
Due to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the full Steering Group meeting has been postponed until later in the year. To progress urgent items on the agenda, a telephone conference was held.
- See a review and photos of the meeting.
- Minutes
- Proposed Agenda:
- Introductions
- Brief update on status and progress – the scientific operational and technical aspects of OneGeology
- Discussion on options for the future governance model
- Minutes
Previous Operational Management meetings
The 2012 meeting of the Operational Management Group was held in August at the International Geological Congress in Brisbane.
Sunday 5th August 2012: 10:00 - 17.30.
The latest meeting of the Onegeology Operational Management Group was held:
On: Friday 1st July 2011
At: British Geological Survey
Murchison House
West Mains Road
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Actions
- Agenda item 3: Operational and Technical progress report
- Agenda item 5: Incorporation of OneGeology
- Agenda item 6: OneGeology Web Services Accreditation Scheme
- Agenda item 8: Developing OneGeology
- Agenda item 9: OneGeology Europe: the present and the future
- Agenda item 10: Geoscience Information Network (US GIN)
The 2010 meeting of the Operational Management Group took place on Monday 23rd August 2010 at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology under the umbrella of Minister Bruederle, Germany.
- Agenda item 3: Operational and technical progress report
- Agenda item 4: Overview and results of Steering Group Meeting and teleconferences
- Agenda item 6: US GIN project status
- Agenda item 8: Geoparks update
- Agenda item 9: Opportunities for the YES network and OneGeology
- Agenda item 10: Incorporation of OneGeology
- Agenda item 11: Proposal for a OneGeology Data Provider Accreditation Scheme
- Australia update
- South America update report
- Technical working group update
The "Asociacion de los Servicios de Geología y Minería Iberomaericanos" (ASMGI) has agreed that the Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR) would host the 2009 OneGeology Operational Management Meeting on Thursday July 2 and Friday July 3 in Buenos Aires.
- Agenda
- Papers
- OneGeology - Un nuevo mapa geológico de La Tierra
An article about the meeting was published. You will find it at page 4 of Newsletter IDE Iberoamérica. - Minutes

21 European geological surveys have submitted a 3.25€ million OneGeology-Europe proposal to the EC for funding under the eContentplus programme. The proposal has received a very positive technical and scientific evaluation and subject to negotiations to take place in Luxembourg on 10th April, is looking likely to be funded. The project could start as early as June 2008.
The meeting was attended by 17 participants and included discussion and action on the following topics: funding and support, communication and website, organisation, governance, roles and responsibilities, and planning for the 33rd IGC.
Why did we choose to hold the OneGeology meeting at the Place de la République?
- Liberty, Equality, Fraternity is the motto of the French Republic
- What about OneGeology?
- Liberty to access geologic maps,
- Equality of all participants in the initiative,
- Fraternity through the Buddy system,
- ... and Interoperability
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Liberté | Egalité | Fraternité | Interopérabilité |
Eleven directors of Commonwealth geological surveys met at BGS in Keyworth. As part of their visit they were given a presentation on OneGeology. As a result several new nations are now participating in OneGeology.
The meeting was held at the Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan.
(CCOP = Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia)
- obtaining funding
- strategies for technical and practical assistance where needed
- intellectual property rights
- communication.
All presentations and documents from the meeting can be accessed from the downloads page.