Links to examples of the best uses of digital geological map data on the web worldwide. See here how geological map data can be transformed to help society more efficiently use our planet's natural resources, how it can be used to predict and mitigate hazards and how understanding geology is critical to our health and our wealth.
If you have a great example of an application of geological map data on the web, please let us know.
Climate change
The impact of climate change is one of the biggest and most complicated challenges facing society today. Below are a few examples of how geological map data can be transformed to help research and develop strategies, and to reduce the detrimental effects associated with climate change.
- Le changement climatique (Climate change)
No 3 Géosciences, la revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable
Issue 3 of BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth
If you have other examples of an application of geological map data on the web, and would like your link included here, please let us know.
Examples of the way geology is made accessible to teachers and students from web sites across the globe.
- This page teaches how to live in harmony with nature. Work based on geological maps - mudslides from rocks and soil, CPRM
- Eduterre
Développé avec le soutien du Ministère français de l'Éducation Nationale, ce site permet d'accéder á un ensemble de données géoscientifiques et de ressources numériques du BRGM. Developed with the support of the French Ministry of Education, this site provides access to a wide range of geoscientific data and to BRGM digital resources.
If you have other examples of an application of geological map data on the web, and would like your link included here, please let us know.
Examples of the way geological map data can be used to help us understand and exploit our energy resources.
If you have other examples of an application of geological map data on the web, and would like your link included here, please let us know.
We all need clean water, we need fuel and mineral resources for homes and industry, we need the knowledge to be able to locate and exploit these resources, we need engineering solutions for safe stable developments, and we need to be able to live sustainably — to protect the environment around us — to mitigate pollution, waste and hazards. Our changing climate means the need for this information is even more urgent. OneGeology brings together the data and knowledge to help manage these issues.
- InfoTerre ™
InfoTerre™, portail d'accès aux informations du sous-sol, permet d'accéder à l'ensemble des données géoréférencées du BRGM, et de combiner données géologiques, hydrologiques, cartes, inventaires de sites industriels et de services, cavités souterraines, sismicité historique, etc. InfoTerre™ is a portal for information on substrates, providing access to BRGM's georeferenced data and allowing users to combine geological and hydrological data, maps, inventories of industrial sites and services, subterranean cavities, historical seismic activity and so on. - Terre Virtuelle, les systèmes d'information géoscientifique (Virtual Earth: geoscientific information systems)
No 6 Géosciences, la revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable
Issue 6 of BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth
- A Dynamic Digital Map is a stand-alone "presentation manager" program that displays and links maps, images, movies, data and text, such as map explanations and field trip guides. DDMs are WEB-enabled and browser independent and can be delivered via a web site, or on CD/DVD/flash drives. A user, viewing DDM, will see a thematic map, containing camera icons and map symbols that link images, movies and text or analytical data related to those locations. Searchable lists or "Indexes" of Images, Maps, and Articles, opened from buttons found on the Home Screen, summarize DDM content, and access to it. The Home Screen also provides an "Index Map" that graphically illustrates the coverage of maps contained in the DDM, and links to them. Perhaps best explained by an example, the DDM of the Springerville Volcanic Field (see URL below) has a nine-minute Automated Tour that demonstrates the basics of how to use a DDM containing a large data set; the DDM of New England (see URL below) has a similar tour that concentrates on the educational use of DDMs with basic geologic field guides. Links to over 15 DDMs can be found at the the DDM Home Page (see URL below).
DDMs can be made using the cross-platform Revolution programming environment, which has a low learning curve and modest price. The "DDM-Template" (available at the below URL) is an open source program into which a Revolution user can insert metadata (mostly file names) that enable the program to open existing maps, images, figures and movies from an organization of directories. A DDM maker modifies the Template to make their own DDM by inserting text and data directly into the program, which is then renamed to reflect its new content. A "Cookbook" guides the Revolution user through the steps of building the DDM. Once a Template has been completely modified, royalty-free stand-alone applications for a variety of operating systems (for example, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) can be made directly from this single Revolution document, regardless of the platform used to prepare the original.- Downloads of the Dynamic Digital Map of the Springerville Volcanic Field (DDM-SVF)
- Downloads of the Dynamic Digital Map of New England (DDM-NE)
- Dynamic Digital Maps (DDM) home page
- Dynamic Digital Maps (DDM) template
If you have other examples of an application of geological map data on the web, and would like your link included here, please let us know.
Geological maps are the prime source of information when we attempt to delineate and predict geological hazards. These hazards include cataclysmic events like earthquakes, but also more subtle, but costly problems like subsidence.
- Geoscience Australia's Natural Hazards reports for several Australian cities, including:
- Perth, WA
- Newcastle, NSW (earthquakes only)
- Gladstone, QLD
- Mackay, QLD
- Cairns, QLD
- South-east Queensland
Changing habits and reducing risks of mass movements and flooding
(Mudando Hábitos e Reduzindo Riscos de Movimentos de Massa e Inundações)
Ce site fournit des informations sur l'aléa retrait – gonflement des sols argileux en France.
This site provides information on clay soil shrinkage and swelling risks in France. -
BD Cavité
Base de données nationale sur les cavités souterraines en France.
National database on subterranean cavities in France. -
Base de données nationale sur les mouvements de terrain en France.
National database on land movements in France. -
Le Plan Séisme
Le Plan Séisme est un programme national de prévention du risque sismique en France.
The « Plan Séisme » is a national programme which objective is to reduce in France vulnerability to seismic hazard. -
Base de données nationale des séismes en France.
National database on earthquakes in France. - Le risque sismique en France
Les risques telluriques (Natural risks)
No 4 Géosciences, la revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable
Issue 4 of BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth
Geological maps are the prime source of information when we attempt to delineate and predict geological hazards. These hazards include cataclysmic events like earthquakes, but also more subtle, but costly problems like subsidence.
Geology can have direct and indirect impacts on human health; geological maps are again a prime input when attempting to understand these impacts.
La base de données nationale BASIAS donne accès aux inventaires historiques régionaux (IHR) des sites industriels et activités de service en France, en fonctionnement ou non.
The national BASIAS database covers historical regional inventories of industrial sites and service activities in France, whether operational or not. - Géosciences et santé (Geosciences and Health)
No 5 Géosciences, la revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable
Issue 5 of BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth
If you have other examples of an application of geological map data on the web, and would like your link included here, please let us know.
Landscape and heritage
Without geology, geography would have nowhere to put itself! Whether they are at the surface or not, rocks are the key element of our landscape.
- Découvrir le patrimoine géologique de la France (Discover France's geological heritage)
No 7 Géosciences, la revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable
Issue 7 of BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth
If you have other examples of an application of geological map data on the web, and would like your link included here, please let us know.
Examples of how geological map data can be transformed to help society more efficently use our planet's natural resources.
- The Australian Mines Atlas website
- A 3D geological model of Tasmania
- The Australian Marine Spatial Information System - for a variety of offshore purposes
- Ressources minérales et développement durable (Mineral resources and sustainable development)
No 1 Géosciences, la revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable
Issue 1 of BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth
Water is an essential resource to us all. We all rely on it, not only for drinking water but also for our homes and industry. Groundwater is becoming scarcer with our changing climate. Locating clean groundwater requires knowledge of the geology, and the basis for that knowledge are geological maps – OneGeology will help make that map data accessible.
ADES est la banque nationale d'accès aux données sur les eaux souterraines en France.
ADES is the French databank on groundwater and contains both qualitative and quantitative information in France. - L'eau souterraine (Groundwater)
No 2 Géosciences, la revue du BRGM pour une Terre durable
Issue 2 of BRGM's journal for a sustainable Earth
If you have other examples of an application of geological map data on the web, and would like your link included here, please let us know.