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OneGeology Web Services Accreditation Scheme


5 star Accreditation Sample

This scheme is intended to provide an incentive for geological survey organisations (GSOs) who are participants in OneGeology and help them be more responsive to the needs of current and potential users of their map data. Practicality, attainability and simplicity of operation have been the key points in the design of the scheme. The criteria which are set out below were produced by reference to the overall OneGeology system, the GeoSciML protocols, the European INSPIRE Directive good practice in data and service sharing guidance, and last but not least the views of users. The Scheme has been developed by the OneGeology Coordination and Technical teams, with input from the Steering and Operational Management Groups. A scheme such as this can never be 100% quantitative, but this is not an issue; the intention of this scheme is to progressively raise the standard of GSO services, not seek perfection. The scheme is aspirational!

How it will operate

All existing OneGeology map service providers are regarded as already having attained the One Star level and graphics will mailed to them shortly. GSOs who wish to be accredited for Two or more Stars may apply to the OneGeology secretariat by submitting the form below. The GSO will state the Star Rating and level of service they believe they meet. Their service will then be assessed by OneGeology Coordination and Technical team members. If the application meets the criteria the GSO will receive notification by email and at the same time receive files containing the appropriate OneGeology Star graphics. These graphics and any of the text within "Definition of Star Ratings" below may be used by the GSO on its web site or other communications and PR material. If the service is assessed as not meeting the criteria, feedback will be provided to the GSO and the application can be immediately re-submitted after corrective action. A reasonable degree of tolerance will be given; for example, if an issue which results in non-compliance is outside the control of the organisation, this will be taken into account in the assessment. All services should be available for better than 95% of the year. Regular re-assessment will be made by the OneGeology Coordination and Technical teams on at least an annual basis.

Definition of the Star Ratings

Star Rating Level of service attained Technical and service parameters to be met
One star Basic Web Map Service (WMS) Web Map Service (WMS) supporting "GetCapabilities" and "GetMap" requests to deliver map images.
Two star Upgraded Web Map Service (WMS)
  • One Star requirements met.
  • Map legend provided.
  • Minimum metadata available (contact information, abstract, access constraints, cataloguing keywords).
Three star Enhanced Web Map Service (WMS)
  • Two Star requirements met.
  • "GetFeatureInfo" (at least text/html format) request supported.
  • Web Map Service (WMS) v. 1.3.0 supported.
  • Where age harmonization is offered in a service layer it should be based on IUGS standards
  • Additional keywords to make GetCapabilities response ISO19115 core compliant
  • Clear statement of use relating to data, including licence and charging details (where appropriate).
  • Access to data must be transparent, simple and fair to all.
Four star Web Feature Service (WFS)
  • Three Star requirements met.
  • "MetadataURL" for each WMS layer and WFS feature type should point to a metadata record conforming at least to the OneGeology metadata profile.
  • Web Feature Service (WFS) at a minimum v. 1.1.0.
  • To deliver map features in a GeoSciML format.
Five star Enhanced Web Feature Service (WFS)
  • Four Star requirements met.
  • To deliver map features in GeoSciML v3 (or later), queryable using standard "Commission for Geoscience Information" (CGI) vocabularies for age and lithological properties or the equivalent (exactMatch) term from other vocabularies such as those used by the INSPIRE initiative, and compliant with profiles validated by Schematron.

Application for accreditation

Please complete the relevant parts of the following form. The form will be emailed to upon submission.

The wishes to apply for :

One star Two star Three star Four star Five star accreditation.

We believe we meet the appropriate criteria for this star rating as set out in the above table and undertake to continue to maintain those parameters and comply with the Scheme protocols.



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