OneGeology's mission is to improve the accessibility of geological data. This means improving the understandability and interest in geology as well as just the availability of map data. This part of the website is devoted to illustrating the many ways in which geology and geological maps play a fundamental part in all our lives. These pages are just a start and we will extend and improve them based on the feedback you give us.

This is a taste of the way in which geology and rocks have influenced what the people of this planet read, look at, think deeply about and even drink! You probably knew that some of the world's greatest artists have drawn their inspiration from the geology of our landscape, but did you know that geology has inspired philosophers and poets too and that the wine and beer we drink owe their unique flavours to geology?

OneGeology aims to increase the global awareness of geology and the availability of digital data around the world. This ethos is closely linked to that of Geodiversity — "the process of recognising and assessing the value of geological features, collections, sites, monuments, artworks, and landscapes and the application of practices for their care, maintenance and management for the long-term benefit of all'. Here we explore Geodiversity with the help of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and GeoParks.

Here we link to examples of the best uses of digital geological map data on the web worldwide. See here how geological map data can be transformed to help society use our planet's natural resources more efficiently, how it can be used to predict and mitigate hazards and how understanding geology is critical to our health and our wealth.

OneGeology kids
This part of our site is devoted to young children under 10 years old and all young budding geologists out there. Investigate what geology is all about, from dinosaurs and volcanoes to water and energy. These pages are aimed at younger children as a basic and fun introduction to geology around the world.
We also plan to add links to some of the best geological teaching resources from around the world, please email us links to websites that you use in your country so that we can provide links to teaching related material specifically for your country.