OneGeology Operational Group (OOG) Terms of Reference
The OneGeology Operational Group membership is nominated by all Principal Member and Associate Member organisations.
The OneGeology Operational Group is responsible for determining the operational structures necessary to deliver the Objectives defined in consortium agreement section
The Operational Group will approve Terms of Reference for any working groups or committees it deems necessary to establish and will appoint their Chairs. Such committees will be chaired by Operational Group members.
The OneGeology Operational Group is responsible for the financial viability of the Consortium and is authorised to establish membership fees and to seek other sources of funding in support.
The Operational Group will meet up to four times a year or as needed with at least one face-to-face meeting per year.
The Operational Group may invite observers to participate in its meetings or its sub-committee meetings.
The Operational Group will be chaired by or co-chaired by nominated representatives of the two lead parties by agreement between them.