Benefits, services and membership

Benefits of OneGeology

There are many benefits to a wide variety of audiences including the geoscience community, and wider stakeholders.

OneGeology provides the opportunity for geoscience organisations to not only share their own data in a common format but also access other data from across the globe that is interoperable, follows commonly used geodata standards and is accompanied by clear standardised metadata. These global datasets underpin wider geoscience activities such as 3D geological modelling at a large scale, resource assessment and commodity mapping, and exploration. In addition to these tangible benefits, OneGeology provides a positive collaborative environment for data providers and users to build relationships with the OneGeology community. It provides a forum for geoscience organisations to not only come together to discuss digital geoscience, but also other issues facing them. It provides an environment which promotes sharing of experiences and expertise, allowing smaller organisations to benefit from capabilities and networks available in larger organisations, and encourages participation in new digital geoscience initiatives and collaborative funding proposals; OneGeology embraces the spirit of collaboration providing a springboard to new relationships, promotes geoscience education by providing a range of online resources.

Services at a glance/what is available via these services?

Access to maps and data from participating organisations is provided via the OneGeology portal. Maps are provided as WMS (Web Map Service), data are provided as WFS (Web Feature Service) and Web Coverage Services (WCS), and the catalogue of OneGeology services is provided via a Catalogue Services - Web (CSW). Maps are usually queryable, and some may be restyled, but the underlying data is not accessible or downloadable directly. Map views are exportable and sharable.

Whilst most maps and data available via these services are open access, special conditions may apply. Some conditions exclude commercial access. Information on conditions and use of the services and data is provided in the metadata available in the portal and catalogue.


OneGeology members help drive the direction of this geoscience infrastructure and set priorities for its evolution to realise its full potential in improving access to fundamental geoscience data, to exchange knowledge and skills to deliver that data, and to improve its interoperability for the benefit of its users across the globe.

Membership conveys many benefits including access to the world's leading digital data management technology and resources, helps members comply with emerging technical designs and standards and provides opportunities to interact and work directly with leading organisations in global digital geoscience and geoscience informatics experts.

Membership of OneGeology is conveyed to accepted signatories of the OneGeology Accord adopted in 2007 (and as amended in 2017) in Brighton, United Kingdom. For practical purposes, an email commitment from a recognised representative of a recognised organisation, to the OneGeology secretariat is all that is formally required. All members have the rights and responsibilities referred to in the Brighton Accord.

Types of membership

Membership Fee/obligation Involvement/benefits
Affiliate-technical Signed agreement to principles of the Brighton Accord

Affiliate-technical membership is free
  • Organisation may provide data services (but not mandated to do so)
  • Representation on the Technical Implementation Group (TIG) and ad hoc other technical working groups
Principal Organisations with fewer than 100 staff is £5000 per annum

Organisations with more than 100 staff is £10000 per annum
  • Representative on the OneGeology Strategic Steering Committee (OSSC)
  • Vote on governance and financial issues
  • Organisation may provide data services (but not mandated to do so)
  • Representation on the Technical Implementation Group (TIG) and ad hoc other technical working groups
  • Receive all OneGeology correspondence and participate in OneGeology activities
  • Access to global OneGeology contacts (Geological Survey Organisations, Geoscience Organisations, etc.)
  • Participate in "shaping" the OneGeology development
  • Eligible to send up to four representatives to attend an exclusive annual technical and strategic review of technologies and deployments offered by the OneGeology consortium
Associate Any group acting as an umbrella for several organisations

The fee for associate membership will be agreed by the OneGeology Strategic Steering Committee and will vary, depending on the size of the group and organisations involved, following the principles above
  • Organisation may provide data services (but not mandated to do so)
  • Representative on the OneGeology Operational Group (OOG)
  • Representation on the Technical Implementation Group (TIG) and ad hoc other technical working groups
  • Receive all OneGeology correspondence and participate in OneGeology activities
  • Access to global OneGeology contacts (Geological Survey Organisations, Geoscience Organisations, etc.)
  • Participate in "shaping" the OneGeology development
  • Eligible to send up to four representatives to attend an exclusive annual technical and strategic review of technologies and deployments offered by the OneGeology consortium

All paying members will be expected to sign up to the OneGeology Consortium Agreement.

Membership in OneGeology is non-lapsing but resignation is effective with 30 days of written notice to the administration.

The Brighton accord was unanimously agreed to by participants providing the governance, technical and political essentials for OneGeology and can be a helpful in clarifying what OneGeology is about.