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This is the OneGeology archive website, for the latest information return to the main OneGeology website

OneGeology Steering Group Meeting - New Zealand April 2010

The third meeting of the OneGeology Steering Group took place on 15 - 16 April 2010 at GNS Science, Avalon, Wellington, New Zealand bringing together the regional representatives for geological surveys around the world. The agenda covered progress in each of the six global regions, detailed discussions on the incorporation of OneGeology, the grant offer that is now available from ESRI, linkages with other organisations such as Geoparks, the YES Network and GEO/GEOSS as well as looking at the future work and actions for OneGeology. Minutes of the meeting will be available soon.

The OneGeology Steering Group meeting

The OneGeology Steering Group, GNS Science, Wellington, New Zealand, April 2010.

The OneGeology Steering Group, field excursion.