Recommend ESRI shapefile definitions for GeoSciML-Portrayal
Because the field names in GeoSciML-Portrayal are longer than 10 characters, you will not be able to have the full attribute (column) name for many of the properties if your portrayal data is loaded into an ESRI shapefile, which can be an issue in some WMS server software. To prevent truncated names, we are providing a recommended shapefile implementation with shorter field names. Field names are abbreviated to try and leave characters that convey the full name of the field; lower camel case typographic has been used, except that fields that contain URI’s end with ‘_uri’.
Table 4. Recommend shapefile definition for ContactView
XML field Name | Shapefile field name | Shapefile data type |
identifier | identifier | String |
name | name | String |
description | descriptio | String |
contactType | contactTyp | String |
observationMethod | obsvMethod | String |
positionalAccuracy | posAccur | String |
source | source | String |
contactType_uri | conTyp_uri | String |
specification_uri | spec_uri | String |
metadata_uri | metada_uri | String |
genericSymbolizer | genericSym | String |
shape | SHAPE | ESRI geometry |
Table 5. Recommended shapefile definition for ShearDisplacementStructureView
XML field Name | Shapefile field name | Shapefile data type |
identifier | identifier | String |
name | name | String |
description | descriptio | String |
faultType | faultType | String |
movementType | movmntType | String |
deformationStyle | defrmStyle | String |
displacement | displacmnt | String |
geologicHistory | geolHistry | String |
observationMethod | obsvMethod | String |
positionalAccuracy | posAccur | String |
source | source | String |
faultType_uri | fltTyp_uri | String |
movementType_uri | movTyp_uri | String |
deformationStyle_uri | defStl_uri | String |
representativeAge_uri | repAge_uri | String |
representativeOlderAge_uri | oldAge_uri | String |
representativeYoungerAge_uri | yngAge_uri | String |
specification_uri | spec_uri | String |
metadata_uri | metada_uri | String |
genericSymbolizer | genericSym | String |
shape | SHAPE | ESRI geometry |
Table 6. Recommended shapefile definition for GeologicUnitView
XML field Name | Shapefile field name | Shapefile data type |
identifier | identifier | String |
name | name | String |
description | descriptio | String |
geologicUnitType | geoUnitTyp | String |
rank | rank | String |
lithology | lithology | String |
geologicHistory | geolHistry | String |
observationMethod | obsvMethod | String |
positionalAccuracy | posAccur | String |
source | source | String |
geologicUnitType_uri | uniTyp_uri | String |
representativeLithology_uri | repLth_uri | String |
representativeAge_uri | repAge_uri | String |
representativeOlderAge_uri | oldAge_uri | String |
representativeYoungerAge_uri | yngAge_uri | String |
specification_uri | spec_uri | String |
metadata_uri | metada_uri | String |
genericSymbolizer | genericSym | String |
shape | SHAPE | ESRI geometry |
Section last modified: 12 October 2015